
Does Kratom help with ADHD?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is one of the most predominant mental health disorders affecting kids today. The condition is characterized by trouble focusing (trouble paying attention), hyperactivity (overly active), and impulsive behaviors (acting without thinking) that affect work, relationships, and home life – especially if left untreated.

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According to the CDC, an estimated 6.1 million kids in the U.S have been diagnosed with ADHD – and the number is still rising. While the condition is historically considered a childhood neurodevelopmental disorder, that’s no longer the case. Studies show that ADHD is a lifelong disorder that often lasts into adulthood with an estimated4.4% of adults in the U.S struggling with it.

While the statistics are surely worrying, the fact of the matter is that ADHD cannot be cured or prevented – but it can be treated using behavioral therapy or medicines commonly known as psychostimulants that help improve focus, concentration, ignore distractions and lessen impulsiveness. The most common psychostimulants include dextroamphetamines (Adderall) and methylphenidates (Ritalin).

But are these psychostimulants and behavioral therapy enough to manage ADHD? Well, studies show that Kratom can help with ADHD symptoms thanks to its ability to provide the user with a clear mind and increase concentration as well as focus.

In this article, we look at the relationship between Kratom and ADHD, the benefits of using Kratom for ADHD, the best Kratom strains for ADHD, and the risks of taking kratom for ADHD.

The Relationship between Kratom and ADHD

There is a link between Kratom and ADHD. However, we cannot talk about Kratom and ADHD without talking about dopamine – the neurotransmitter that sends messages between nerve cells.

According to research, lower dopamine levels in the brain may contribute to ADHD. In another study, it was found that individuals suffering from ADHD possess genes that cause a lack of dopamine in their brains.

It is therefore clear that this neurotransmitter is a critical component in the brain’s reward pathway. For example, when you engage in pleasurable activities such as exercising and socializing your dopamine levels rise. In these programs you do the same thing over and over again.

On the other hand, people who have low dopamine levels are more likely to engage in activities that stimulate or trigger the pleasure associated with high levels of this neurotransmitter. As such, they are likely to take part in deeds such as excessive alcohol consumption and financial risks that are likely to have dangerous consequences.

However, using kratom for ADHD can help stimulate the brain’s Dopamine receptors D₁ (DRD1) that receives dopamine and influences behavior indirectly through their regulatory effects. This is because kratom has a high affinity to dopamine receptors a clear indication of its potential to boost dopamine levels in the brain and hence help with ADHD.

The Link between Kratom and ADHD and Serotonin

Another important neurotransmitter that we cannot miss to talk about when talking about Kratom and ADHD is serotonin. This neurotransmitter – just like DRD₁ is linked to ADHD symptoms. In that, at low levels, the symptoms of ADHD tend to be more pronounced.

But how is this related to kratom? Well, when you take kratom, your brain’s “reward pathway” gets triggered. This causes your body to start releasing serotonin and dopamine. This in turn triggers the euphoric feeling which is believed to potentially help in alleviating the symptoms of ADHD.

The Benefits of Using Kratom for ADHD

As aforementioned, ADHD is a condition that’s associated with several symptoms such as trouble paying attention, carelessness, hyperactivity, impulsiveness, short-term memory impairment, and fidgeting. These symptoms can heavily negatively impact one’s life.

That said, kratom is often considered one of the most naturally effective supplements at providing both mental and physical relief – which is probably why most people are quickly turning to it to treat ADHD. But what are some of these properties that make it highly coveted?

Well, here they are:

Kratom kills anxiety

Prescription drugs such as Adderall are highly stimulating and are known to heighten or lessen anxiety depending on the user. Kratom on the other hand is known to kill anxiety albeit temporarily – usually for 3-5 hours. And since anxiety is one symptom of ADHD, kratom can help alleviate it.

Promotes mental clarity

Although not an opioid, kratom binds to the opioid receptors in the brain that are widespread all over the body’s neural pathways. This triggers the secretion of endorphins and endorphin-like neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine that help induce mild euphoria and stimulate the brain. This enhances your mood, boosts your energy, and also relieves anxiety. The aftermath is a soothing effect that promotes mental clarity.

The Best Kratom Strains for ADHD

White Horn Kratom

White Horn is a widespread strain that thrives in areas such as Indonesia, and Borneo, and is known for its color and spiky leaves. As a member of the “white” subgroup of kratom strains, the White Horn has a particularly high alkaloid concentration.

One of the most well-known uses of White Horn is as a mild sedative. If you have a stressful day ahead of you, taking this strain can help you get through it more easily. For those with ADHD symptoms, this is especially true.

White-veined strains are the most euphoria-inducing and stimulating varieties of cannabis. Taking White Horn kratom can help you focus better, as well as increase your stamina.

It is more common to find this variety in capsule form, but the powder is also readily available.

White Maeng Da Kratom

One of the best stimulants of mood and concentration comes from Thailand. In some patients, this strain of cannabis can quickly alleviate symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

In addition to providing an energy boost, this white strain of kratom also has a nootropic influence. Kratom users report an increase in clarity of mind and the ability to focus with White Maeng Da kratom.

One of the most commonly prescribed kratom strains for treating ADHD is White Maeng Da, as expected.

White Thai Kratom

If you are looking for an increase in energy, White Thai kratom is the strain for you. White Thai kratom is widely considered one of the most potent white-vein strains by many kratom users.

In addition to its nootropic properties, White Thai is known for its ability to improve mental clarity and focus. As a result, this variety is widely used to treat the symptoms of ADHD.

White Thai kratom also increases serotonin and dopamine levels, making it euphoric for the majority of its users.

Red Bali Kratom

As a result of its numerous health and relaxation benefits, Red Bali kratom has become a sought-after strain. When it comes from Bali, Indonesia, where the growers take great care to only harvest it at the peak of maturity, its vibrant color and potent properties are preserved.

Despite its reputation as a tranquilizer and mood enhancer, Red Bali kratom can also be used to treat the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

Kratom for ADHD is a great place to start if you’re looking for a new strain. While this strain can be purchased as a powder, it is also commonly sold in capsules form.

What are the Risks of Taking Kratom for ADHD

Addiction and dependence are possible with Kratom’s opiate-like effects. Tolerance to kratom can develop over time, which might be an issue if you want to use bigger amounts.

To keep yourself from overdosing on kratom, set a maximum daily dose. Regular use of high dosage may lead to withdrawal symptoms such as:

  • Sleeplessness
  • Irritability
  • Signs of the flu
  • Anxiety

Kratom is popular for its ability to alleviate anxiety, but it is not without its drawbacks. For the most part, white strains are more likely to exacerbate symptoms, although this is not a hard and fast rule.

If you suffer from ADHD, you’re probably anxious to prevent anxiety. Until you become more experienced with kratom, I recommend limiting your dosage.

On rare occasions, high doses of kratom have been linked to more severe adverse effects, including:

  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death

This demonstrates the dangers of overuse and the necessity of utilizing kratom for ADHD in moderation at all times.

Due to a dearth of kratom studies, we’re yet unsure of the substance’s potential adverse effects. Anecdotal evidence suggests that some of the less prevalent conditions, such as jaundice, may exist.

Is it safe to take Kratom alongside ADHD medication?

Kratom and ADHD drugs are often mixed up in the minds of people who are already on medication for the condition. Unfortunately, this is not a good idea in the majority of cases.

Serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine levels are boosted in both ADHD medicines and some kratom strains. Combining the two can be harmful and even more habit-forming compared to king either one alone.

There is a good risk that medication for ADHD will cause negative effects. Side effects could be exacerbated if ADHD medication is taken with other stimulants, such as kratom.

It is important to check with your doctor before taking kratom to determine whether it could conflict with any medications you are currently taking.

Is it safe for Children to use Kratom?

There is minimal scientific research conducted on kratom to determine if it is safe for children. However, it is vital not to administer the product to a child before consulting a pediatrician. Even though we still don’t know much about how kratom and other stimulants affect children, the general agreement is that they shouldn’t be using them unless they’ve been specifically prescribed by a health care practitioner.

Dosage of Kratom for ADHD

Despite your eagerness to try kratom, you’re unsure of where to begin. At first, finding the ideal dosage is a challenge that will necessitate some trial and error.

To begin, make certain that your dosages are correct. If you’re going to use powder, I’d suggest using a measuring spoon or scales.

Kratom has a diverse effect on various people with ADHD. Kratom’s effect is influenced by a variety of factors, including weight, age, and health.

When it comes to determining dose, there is no single answer. However, the following are some suggestions for various kinds of kratom.

Just 2 grams of white kratom is all that is needed to reap the benefits of Kratom’s renowned focus and clarity. The stimulating benefits will begin to fade if the dosage is increased to 4 grams or greater.

However, even at moderate to high doses, they are still very potent. White kratom should only be used at lesser doses if anxiety is a problem for you.

2 grams of green kratom is a good starting point for new users. Even at doses between 4 and 7 grams, the pleasant balance is still present; the effects are just more intense.

However, if you are looking to enhance your productivity, this could be a drawback.

The red strain of kratom should be used sparingly if you are trying to treat ADHD with it. A minor amount of red kratom is stimulatory, however, the majority of the red kratom is calming.

You will be on the correct route now, and you can construct your path from there! Finding the ideal combination of strain and dosage for you will most likely necessitate several tries.

Do not give up, and make sure you write down every kratom dose you take. You’ll be able to fine-tune your kratom dosage to obtain the most benefit after you understand how it affects your ADHD.

Final Thoughts

Kratom is reshaping the debate. Those with ADHD who have struggled for years with unsatisfactory prescription drugs are ready to try something new.

According to preliminary findings, kratom appears to be more effective in treating ADHD than other types of mental illness. Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of people who use kratom report no side effects.




The above article is a repost. Please refer to the source provided to go to the original article. Kratomlords.com, it’s holding company, and it’s owners do not endorse any published content provided herein.

Kratomlords.com strongly recommends following FDA guidelines regarding Kratom. Please refer to the following link for further information.

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