
How to Potentiate kratom? The perfect guide.

Today the term “kratom potentiator” has become a blanket statement which means any substance that can be taken to increase the effect kratom has on an individual.
But technically this isn’t correct, and not knowing the difference can affect your desired outcome! That’s why we’ve divided it into the following subcategories

American Kratom Protectors webinar

Join Webinar on Federal Kratom Consumer Protection Act

The Federal Kratom Consumer Protection Act was filed in both Houses of Congress. While it will need to be refiled next session, this creates massive momentum for consumer protection, and it shows the bureaucratic opponents of kratom that our community is committed to ensuring science dictates kratom policy.


G Protein-biased kratom-alkaloids as potential treatments

Mitragyna speciosa, more commonly known as kratom, is a plant that contains opioidergic alkaloids but is unregulated in most countries. G protein-biased kratom-alkaloids and synthetic carfentanil-amide opioids as potential treatments for alcohol use disorder

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