Kratom effects; Can You Overdose On Kratom?

Mitragyna speciosa, a tree native to Southeast Asia, is the source of the naturally occurring stimulant known as Kratom. Mitragynine, a chemical found in this tree’s leaves, has opiate-like effects. Some kratom preparations can have modest stimulant effects, akin to cigarettes. In Southeast Asia, kratom leaves have been used for thousands of years through chewing, brewing tea, and even smoking. In recent years, more refined kratom products have made their way to the United States’ botanical market. However, due to the lack of enough research on the product, little is known about its benefits and side effects.

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Most of the modern kratom products on the market today are marketed online and come in various forms, such as kratom powder, kratom extract, and kratom capsules. Most users claim that the product can treat depression or anxiety, discomfort, diarrhea, hypertensive or high blood pressure, and withdrawal symptoms. But can you overdose on kratom?

A federal prohibition on the sale of kratom is not in effect, but FDA regulations prevent it from being imported into the United States and numerous states have curtailed or prohibited its sale entirely due to reports on overdose. There is a lot of misinformation about kratom’s safety and effectiveness in the United States because the substance is not properly regulated.

Since kratom is a natural product, it may appear safer compared to other medications. It may appear like an easy method to get intoxicated or relieve tension to some people. Many people try to take it to treat the withdrawal symptoms of opioids, but many end up overdosing on the product. In this article, we have focused on answering the common question “can you overdose on kratom,” to help you avoid its adverse side effects.

How Safe Is Kratom Consumption?

Kratom is rich in various active chemical components that bind and activate the brain’s opioid receptors. This explains the substance’s ability to induce euphoria and pain relief. However, a lot of questions remain unanswered about Kratom’s full pharmacological effects, so its safety remains an open question. National Institute on Drug Abuse identified Kratom as a new drug of abuse that needs to be monitored more closely. Numerous studies have discovered that Kratom use is linked to seizures, psychosis, and even death. Kratom has been linked to 15 deaths between 2014 and 2016, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration. However, due to a lack of scientific research, it is difficult to determine how much Kratom is safe for a given user.

How Kratom Consumers Use the Product

As you already know, kratom has green leaves with a glossy finish. Most reliable manufacturers use various processes to turn the leaves into a wide range of products. This helps users take the product in various techniques including the following:

Kratom in powder form

The most common way of taking kratom is by taking it in powder form. Manufacturers achieve this common kratom form by drying the mature leaves and grinding them into fine powder.

Most users who prefer this kratom form take it by mixing with juice or through the famous toss and wash method. However, if not careful with the dosage, there are high chances of overdosing on your kratom in this form.

Ingesting the product in capsule form

If you like to swallow Kratom in pill form, this is the most convenient method of doing so. In order to have the same effect as if they had consumed a tablespoon of the powder, users must take many Kratom capsules. Kratom capsules come in a variety of sizes and shapes. To avoid risking kratom overdose, it is best to not how much kratom is in each capsule you are about to take.

Each person’s experience with kratom is unique. Beyond the aforementioned approaches, there are a variety of alternative options such as resins, extracts, and tinctures.

Can You Overdose On Kratom?

Overdosing on kratom is possible, but the exact dosage required to be considered toxic is unknown at the moment. If you take too much of something, you’ve overdosed, and now you’re having life-threatening symptoms. Even though kratom is an organic product and is less dangerous compared to synthetic opioids, it does not automatically imply its safety.

Kratom’s recommended daily dose is dependent on the user. Users usually take between 3 and 9 grams of powder per dose. A capsule of between 500 and 66 milligrams of powder per serving is the preferred method of administration for the majority of kratom users.

Regardless of the form, frequency, or dosage, individuals should be aware of the potential side effects of the natural product, which can be dangerous, addictive, or even deadly. It is difficult to figure out a safe dosage for kratom because there is no scientific proof of the right amount of kratom required to overdose. As a result, those who have a history of heavy drug use are at greater risk of overdosing.

Various Doses of Kratom and Their Effects

Low to Moderate Dose of Kratom,

Taking low doses of kratom has shown to be a stimulant, with some effects that are similar to amphetamine. When taken in low to moderate amounts, the product can offer effects such as increased energy, decreased appetite, high sex drive, and an increase in social interactions. Some of the possible negative side effects of low doses of kratom can include the following:

  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Sweating
  • Itching
  • Insomnia
  • Constraints on cohesion

Kratom at a High Dose

Higher doses of kratom produce effects more akin to those of opioids, which is why some people use it to wean themselves off other opioids to which they may have become addicted. The negative effects are similar to those of morphine but less severe.

It is possible to experience sedation, pain reduction, euphoria, and cough suppression as a result of taking kratom at a high dosage. At higher doses, however, side effects like constipation, nausea, and itching may occur. The suppression of breathing can be fatal in a few rare cases of a kratom overdose.

As a side effect, many people who take kratom report experiencing a kratom hangover the day after they take it. Nausea and headaches are all common after a night out on the town.

Driving or operating machinery while under the influence of the drug can be dangerous, as the drug can cause issues with coordination and sleepiness. Because of this, expectant women are also discouraged from using kratom. If a user consumes a high dose of kratom and falls asleep, they may vomit or choke while unconscious.

Signs of Kratom Overdose

Most of the side effects of kratom are unpleasant because it is less likely to cause respiratory depression than opioids. However, excessive use of kratom can result in serious side effects. Included in this group are

  • Hallucinations
  • Psychosis
  • Seizures

Kratom overdose can lead to seizures, which can be deadly, and psychosis, as well as hallucinations, can also occur, which can lead to loss of reality and extreme behavioral changes.

According to kratom experts, combining kratom and other substances can be deadly. The combo can lead to acute liver failure and even death, especially if combined with over-the-counter medication.

Because of a lack of scientific research into the precise dosages and interactions between kratom and other substances, it is difficult to know how dangerous kratom is. It’s risky to abuse any drug just because it’s intoxicating or because your body requires it to function normally.

Taking kratom without a prescription is legal in the United States, but it is not recommended for medical purposes. Using kratom can have dangerous side effects, including overdose if someone isn’t there to help you keep your dose under control or deal with unpleasant side effects.

Similar to opioid overdoses, kratom overdose symptoms include sedation, dissociating from reality, passing out, slowed heart rate, as well as confusion. If you experience these overdose symptoms, ensure to seek immediate medical attention, no matter what the drug is that caused the overdose!

Deaths Caused by Kratom Overdose

Kratom overdose deaths are extremely rare and have always been linked to the misuse of other substances. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released a report showing that 84% (84 deaths) were found to be caused by kratom, but also tested positive for other drugs such as benzodiazepines, cocaine, and fentanyl. In addition, 78 percent of the victims had a history of drug abuse.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 11 people died after taking kratom between 2011 and 2017. Nine of the 11 deaths were caused by the use of other drugs especially benzodiazepines, cocaine, alcohol, and fentanyl).

Recently, the FDA found 44 kratom-related deaths linked to polysubstance abuse. Kratom is unlikely to be lethal for the vast majority of its users, but polysubstance abuse increases the risk of death.

How to treat Kratom Overdose

It has yet to be proven that kratom overdose can be treated successfully because reports of overdose are so rare. In most cases of kratom overdose, other drugs have been involved, so the signs and symptoms of kratom overdose can vary and depend on the types and amounts of drugs taken. Preliminary evidence suggests that naloxone may be effective in treating severe kratom overdoses because it acts on opioid receptors.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is kratom addictive?

There is still kratom abuse and kratom addiction despite the well-documented dangers of the drug. Kratom is a stimulant that can lead to dependence. Opioids and stimulants are analogous in the way they work, interacting with opioid receptors in the brain to reduce pain, increase pleasure, and provide an overall sedative effect. Two kratom abusers can lead to kratom addiction, and this unregulated supplement can lead to overdoses.

Can you overdose on kratom?

Kratom is likely to be safe if used in moderation and the absence of other over-the-counter or illicit drugs. Heavy and prolonged use has been linked to dependence and withdrawal symptoms, as well as the risk of a fatal overdose. It is rare to overdose on kratom compared to other substances, but it can happen.

Which are the signs of Kratom Overdose?

You can overdose on Kratom, but the signs of a kratom overdose are less obvious compared to those of other drugs or alcohol. In the brain, Kratom is a stimulant and sedative, which means it can cause a wide range of side effects and overdose symptoms, many of which are hard to detect.

Is Kratom Overdose a Death Sentence for Users?

Taking too much Kratom can lead to seizures and even death. Kratom misuse has been linked to fatal overdoses in several reports. In high doses, Kratom can be lethal due to its potent narcotic effects and a host of serious health issues, including seizures, liver damage, and psychosis.

Final Thoughts

Abusing any substance, whether for recreational or medical purposes, is dangerous. Taking a risk on an experimental product that has not been thoroughly studied is not worth the risk.

kratom is a commonly available substance that can be dangerous when misused or consumed in excessive quantities. Since it is unregulated and is marketed as a supplement, it is easily accessible. Most users especially those new to the product report negative experiences after taking the product in large doses. It is, therefore, essential to try a small dose of the product to avoid kratom overdose.



The above article is a repost. Please refer to the source provided to go to the original article., it’s holding company, and it’s owners do not endorse any published content provided herein. strongly recommends following FDA guidelines regarding Kratom. Please refer to the following link for further information.

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