How Long Does Kratom Stay In Your System?

The question on “how long does kratom last in your system” mostly comes up when kratom lovers get notified regarding a drug screening test be it for employment, probation, or just a random check at work. Before heading to provide the explanation for the main question, it. Is important to first understand the basics of kratom.

How Long Does Kratom Stay In Your System?

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Why Is Kratom A Substance of Concern?

Kratom has a bad reputation as there is very little research on it. While the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has not listed it as a controlled substance, it is recognized as a substance of concern due to its stimulant-like properties that can simulate the actions of opiate drugs.

How Does Kratom Work?

Kratom contains an abundance of alkaloids with two of its main being mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. These alkaloids act on the mu and delta opioid receptors in the brain to bring opioid-like effects such as pain relief, energy boost, and feelings of general well-being.

Once consumed, the effects start kicking inn about 10 to 15 minutes after. These effects could peak 40 minutes after consumption if taken on an empty stomach or 60 to 90 minutes with a meal. If it comes in capsule form, it will understandably take longer to take effect or peak as the capsule takes time to break down.

What is The Half-Life of Kratom?

Understanding the half-life of kratom is crucial to determining how long it takes for kratom to get out of your system. The half-life of a drug is defined as the time required to reduce its concentration by half, taking into consideration the average metabolism to break down the drug.

Since the research on kratom is limited, the half-life of kratom is unclear. Based on animal models, it is believed that mitragynine has a half-life of about 23 to 24 hours. This means that it takes almost a full day to eliminate 50% of the kratom in the body and an estimated five to six days before kratom is cleared from the system.

For example, if a user takes a 10mg dose of kratom, it takes 24 hours for the body to eliminate half of it, leaving 5mg in the system. 48 hours after the first dose, there is 2.5mg left in the system, and 36 hours after the first dose, 1.25mg left in the system, and so on.

There is also some evidence that suggests that those who use kratom less frequently or at lower doses eliminates the substances faster compared to long-term or higher dose users.

Factors That Determine How Long Kratom Stays in Your System

Although the half-life of kratom is approximately 24 hours, there are several factors that can affect how long kratom stays in the system. Some of these factors include:

  • Age

As can be expected, the body’s function slows down with age. This means that the elimination of substances such as kratom decreases as the body metabolization rate is slower. For this reason, the dosage for kratom or other substances are often lower for individuals with a more advanced age. It is safe to assume that individuals over the age of 65 will have a longer half-life, resulting in kratom to stay longer in their system.

  • Genetics

There are some families that can glug down a lot of alcohol before getting drunk while others start getting tipsy after just half a bottle of beer. Besides the usual factors such as age and gender, another main factor is genetics. Likewise, some individuals have genetic markers and enzymes in the body that affect the rate of kratom elimination.

  • Liver and Kidney Health

The liver and kidney are responsible for eliminating toxins and drugs from your system When the liver or kidney is not in the best of health, it decreases the rate of elimination and causes kratom to stay longer in the system.

  • Body Fat

The alkaloids in kratom such as mitragynine are fat soluble. This means that those with a higher percentage of body fat are more likely to retain kratom metabolites while those with a lower body fat tend to eliminate kratom from their system at a faster rate.

  • Food and water

Taking kratom with a high fat meal can lead to faster absorption and could lead to it reaching peak concentration levels. Hydration levels may also affect the elimination rate of kratom as drinking more water helps your body to flush it out faster.

  • Metabolism

The metabolic rate plays a big role in determining how fast drugs or other substances are broken down. Those with a faster metabolic rate would burn through kratom faster compared to those with a slower metabolic rate.

As briefly mentioned before, kratom users who have developed a tolerance for kratom are generally long-term kratom users. In these individuals, kratom may stay longer in the system as the body has grown accustomed to it in the body

Kratom Detection Time

Kratom can be detected after the effects have waned. The higher the dose taken, the longer it stays in the system. Depending on the level of usage, it can stay in the system for as long as nine days. The detection time in the system depends on the type of test used. Read more about Does Kratom Show Up On a Probation Drug Test?

  • Urine – Detection up to nine days.
  • Blood – Detection up to nine days.
  • Hair – Detection up to ninety days.


The duration that kratom stays in the system depends on multiple factors. Since the half-life of kratom is approximately 24 hours, it takes about a day for the body to eliminate half of the kratom dosage taken. This means that the higher the dose of kratom taken, the longer it would stay in your system. Different tests will provide varying timelines with a hair test being able to detect the existence of kratom in the system much longer than other tests. Users should note that those who take kratom long-term will retain it longer in the system as well.



The above article is a repost. Please refer to the source provided to go to the original article., it’s holding company, and it’s owners do not endorse any published content provided herein. strongly recommends following FDA guidelines regarding Kratom. Please refer to the following link for further information.

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