
We need your help in Wisconsin this Wednesday the 8th

The Kratom Consumer Protection Act will be reviewed at a hearing this week and we need more kratom consumers to attend and speak!. Please make time to attend, and ask others to do so as well! Wednesday, December 8th
National Institute on Drug Abuse Director Nora Volkow, MD,

To end the drug crisis, bring addiction out of the shadows

NIDA Director Nora Volkow highlights the problem of criminalizing people who use drugs because of an addiction that is viewed as a character flaw rather than a medical condition. The FDA wants to criminalize Kratom consumers by promoting scheduling of Kratom. It makes zero sense.

Global Kratom Ban

This is Kratom Lords bringing you the latest kratom news. Will Kratom be banned in 2023? This is Kratom Lords bringing you the latest news. Will Kratom be banned in 2023? The FDA announced that they were preparing comments to the World Health Organization